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Google scholar

Peer-Reviewed (* corresponding author)


43. Baciadonna, L*, Briefer, EF*, Favaro, L. McElligott, AG 2019. Goats distinguish between positive and negative emotion-linked vocalisations. Frontiers in Zoology (In Press).


42. Briefer Freymond, S*, Bardou, D, Beuret, S, Zuberbühler, K, Iris, B, Briefer, EF* 2019. Elevated sensitivity to tactile stimuli in stereotypic horses. Frontiers in Veterinary Sciences 6, 162.


41. Briefer, EF*, Vizier, E, Gygax, L, Hillmann, E 2019. Expression of emotional valence in pig closed-mouth grunts: involvement of both source- and filter-related parameters. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 145:2895.


40. Briefer Freymond, S, Ruet, A, Grivaz, M, Fuentes, C, Zuberbuehler, K, Bachmann, I, Briefer, EF 2019. Stereotypic horses (Equus caballus) are not cognitively impaired. Animal Cognition 22, 17-33.

39. Baciadonna, L, Nawroth, C, Briefer, EF, McElligott, AG 2019. Perceptual lateralisation of vocal stimuli in goats. Current Zoology, 65, 67-74.


38. Baciadonna, L, Düpjan, S, Briefer, EF, Padilla de la Torre, M, Nawroth, C 2018. Looking on the bright side of livestock emotions – the potential of their transmission to promote positive welfare. Frontiers in Veterinary Sciences, 5, 218.


37. Maigrot, AL*, Hillmann, E, Briefer, EF* 2018. Encoding of emotional valence in wild boars (Sus scrofa) calls. Animals, 8, 85.

36. Briefer, EF* 2018. Vocal contagion of emotions in non-human animals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285, 20172783.

35. Maigrot*, A-L, Hillmann, E, Anne, C, Briefer, EF 2017. Vocal expression of emotional valence in Przewalski’s horses (Equus przewalskii). Scientific Reports 7, 8779.


34. Briefer, EF*, Mandel R, Maigrot, A-L, Briefer Freymond, S, Bachmann, I, Hillmann, E 2017. Perception of emotional valence in horse whinnies. Frontiers in Zoology 14, 8.


33. Pitcher, BJ*, Briefer, EF, Baciadonna, L, McElligott, AG* 2017. Cross-modal recognition of familiar conspecifics in goats. Royal Society Open Science 4, 160346.


32. Muñoz, AL, Bedos, M, Aroña, RM, Flores, JA, Hernández, H, Moussu, C, Briefer, EF, Chemineau, P, Keller, N, Delgadillo, JA* 2016. Efficiency of the male effect with photostimulated bucks does not depend on their familiarity with goats. Physiology & Behavior 158, 137-142. 


31. Padilla de la Torre, M*, Briefer, EF, Ochocki, BM, McElligott, AG, Reader, T 2016. Individual mother-offspring vocal recognition in Bos Taurus. Animal Behaviour 114, 147-154.


30. Briefer, EF*, Oxley, JA, McElligott*, AG 2015. Autonomic nervous system reactivity in a free-ranging mammal: effects of dominance rank and personality. Animal Behaviour 110, 121-132.


29. Oxley, JA*, Previti, A, Alibrandi, A, Briefer, EF, Passantino, A 2015. A preliminary internet survey of pet rabbit owners’ characteristics. World Rabbit Science 23, 289-293.


28. Briefer Freymond, S*, Bardou, D,  Briefer, EF,  Bruckmaier, R, Fouché, N, Fleury, J,  Maigrot, A-L,  Ramseyer, A, Zuberbühler, K, Bachmann, I 2015. The physiological consequences of crib-biting horses in response to an ACTH challenge test. Physiology & Behaviour 151, 121-128.


27. Pitcher, BJ*, Briefer, EF, McElligott, AG* 2015. Intrasexual selection drives sensitivity to pitch, formants and duration in the competitive calls of fallow bucks. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15, 149. 


26. Briefer, EF*, Maigrot, A-L, Mandel,  R, Briefer Freymond, S, Bachmann, I, Hillmann, E  2015. Segregation of information about emotional arousal and valence in horse whinnies. Scientific Reports 4, 9989. 


25. Padilla de la Torre, M*, Briefer, EF, Reader, T, McElligott, AG* 2015. Acoustic analysis of cattle (Bos taurus) mother-offspring contact calls from a source-filter theory perspective. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 99,



24. Briefer, EF*, Tettamanti, F., McElligott, AG* 2015. Emotions in goats: mapping physiological, behavioural and vocal profiles. Animal Behaviour 99, 131-143. 


23. Briefer-Freymond, S*, Briefer, EF, Zollinger, A., Gindrat-von Allmen, Y., Wyss, C., Bachmann,

I  2014. Behaviour of horses in a judgment bias test associated with positive or negative 

reinforcement. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 158, 34-45


22. Favaro L*, Briefer EF, McELligott AG* 2014. Artificial Neural Network approach for revealing

individuality, group membership and age information in goat kid contact calls. Acta Acustica 

100, 782–789.


21. Briefer, EF*, Haque, S., Baciadonna, L, McElligott*, AG, 2014. Goats excel at learning

and remembering a highly novel cognitive task. Frontiers in Zoology 11, 20.


20. Pitcher*, BJ, Briefer, EF, Vannoni, E, McElligott*, AG. 2014. Fallow deer attend

to vocal cues of motivation and fatigue. Behavioral Ecology 25, 392-401.


19. Stachowicz, JB, Vannoni, E, Pitcher, BJ, Briefer, EF, Geffen, E, McElligott, AG*. 2014. 

Acoustic divergence in the rut vocalisations of Persian and European fallow deer. Journal

of Zoology 292, 1-9.


18. Briefer, EF*, Rybak, F, Aubin, T. 2013. Does true syntax or simple auditory object support

the role of skylark song dialect? Animal Behaviour 86, 1131-1137.


17. Baciadonna, L, McElligott*, AG, Briefer, EF*. 2013. Goats favour personal over social 

information in an experimental foraging task. PeerJ 1:e172.


16. Briefer, EF*, McElligott, AG* 2013. Rescued goats at a sanctuary display positive mood after former neglect. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 146, 45-55.


15. Briefer, EF*, Farrell, ME, Hayden, T, McElligott, AG* 2013. Fallow deer polyandry is related to fertilization insurance. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 4, 657-665.


14. Briefer-Freymond, S*, Briefer, EF, Von Niederhäusern, R, Bachmann, I 2013. Pattern of social interactions after group integration: A possibility to keep stallions in group. PLoS ONE 8, e54688.


13. Briefer, EF*, Padilla de la Torre, M, McElligott, AG* 2012. Mother goats do not forget their kids' calls. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279, 3749-3755.


12. Briefer, EF* 2012. Vocal expression of emotions in mammals: mechanisms of production and evidence. Journal of Zoology 188, 1-20. 


11. Briefer, EF*, McElligott, AG* 2012. Social effects on vocal ontogeny in an ungulate, the goat, Capra hircus. Animal Behaviour 83, 991-1000.


10. Briefer, E*, Rybak, F, Aubin, T 2011. Microdialect and group signature in the song of the skylark Alauda arvensis. Advances in Bioacoustics III, Bioacoustics 20, 219-234.


9. Briefer, E*, McElligott, AG* 2011. Indicators of age, body size and sex in goat kid calls revealed using the source-filter theory. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 133, 175-185.


8. Briefer, E*, McElligott, AG 2011. Mutual mother-offspring vocal recognition in an ungulate hider species (Capra hircus). Animal Cognition 14, 585-598.


7. Farrell, ME, Briefer, E*, Hayden, T, McElligott, AG* 2011. Assortative mating in fallow deer reduces the strength of sexual selection. PLoS ONE 6, e18533.


6. Briefer, E*, Rybak, F, Aubin, T 2010. Are unfamiliar neighbours considered to be dear-enemies? PLoS ONE 5, e12428.


5. Briefer, E, Vannoni, E, McElligott, AG* 2010. Quality prevails over identity in the sexually selected vocalisations of an ageing mammal. BMC Biology 8, 35.


4. Briefer, E*, Osiejuk, TS, Rybak, F, Aubin, T 2010. Are bird song complexity and song sharing shaped by the habitat structure? An information theory and statistical approach. Journal of Theoretical Biology 262, 151-164.


3. Briefer, E*, Aubin, T, Rybak, F 2009. Response to displaced neighbours in a territorial songbird with a large repertoire. Naturwissenschaften 96, 1067-1077.


2. Briefer, E*, Rybak, F, Aubin, T 2008. When to be a dear-enemy: flexible acoustic relationships of neighbouring skylarks Alauda arvensis. Animal Behaviour 76, 1319-1325.


1. Briefer, E*, Aubin, T, Lehongre, K, Rybak, F 2008. How to identify dear-enemies: the group signature in the complex song of the skylark Alauda arvensis. Journal of Experimental Biology 211, 317-326.


Ph.D. Thesis

Briefer E 2008. Codage de l'identité de groupe et de l'identité individuelle chez une espèce d'oiseau à chant complexe: l'alouette des champs (Alauda arvensis). Ph.D. Thesis, Université Paris Nord.


Book Review

Briefer, E, McElligott, AG 2010. The question of animal culture or of human uniqueness? Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 8, 275-280.


Book chapter

Briefer, EF 2016. À quoi pensent les chèvres ? In K. Lou-Matignon (Ed.), Animal Revolutions. Paris : Les Liens qui Libèrent.


Briefer EF 2014. Sound production mechanisms in animals. Journal of Zoology Virtual Issue


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