Dr Elodie F Briefer

Peer-Reviewed (* corresponding author)
43. Baciadonna, L*, Briefer, EF*, Favaro, L. McElligott, AG 2019. Goats distinguish between positive and negative emotion-linked vocalisations. Frontiers in Zoology (In Press).
41. Briefer, EF*, Vizier, E, Gygax, L, Hillmann, E 2019. Expression of emotional valence in pig closed-mouth grunts: involvement of both source- and filter-related parameters. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 145:2895.
40. Briefer Freymond, S, Ruet, A, Grivaz, M, Fuentes, C, Zuberbuehler, K, Bachmann, I, Briefer, EF 2019. Stereotypic horses (Equus caballus) are not cognitively impaired. Animal Cognition 22, 17-33.
39. Baciadonna, L, Nawroth, C, Briefer, EF, McElligott, AG 2019. Perceptual lateralisation of vocal stimuli in goats. Current Zoology, 65, 67-74.
36. Briefer, EF* 2018. Vocal contagion of emotions in non-human animals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285, 20172783.
32. Muñoz, AL, Bedos, M, Aroña, RM, Flores, JA, Hernández, H, Moussu, C, Briefer, EF, Chemineau, P, Keller, N, Delgadillo, JA* 2016. Efficiency of the male effect with photostimulated bucks does not depend on their familiarity with goats. Physiology & Behavior 158, 137-142.
31. Padilla de la Torre, M*, Briefer, EF, Ochocki, BM, McElligott, AG, Reader, T 2016. Individual mother-offspring vocal recognition in Bos Taurus. Animal Behaviour 114, 147-154.
30. Briefer, EF*, Oxley, JA, McElligott*, AG 2015. Autonomic nervous system reactivity in a free-ranging mammal: effects of dominance rank and personality. Animal Behaviour 110, 121-132.
29. Oxley, JA*, Previti, A, Alibrandi, A, Briefer, EF, Passantino, A 2015. A preliminary internet survey of pet rabbit owners’ characteristics. World Rabbit Science 23, 289-293.
28. Briefer Freymond, S*, Bardou, D, Briefer, EF, Bruckmaier, R, Fouché, N, Fleury, J, Maigrot, A-L, Ramseyer, A, Zuberbühler, K, Bachmann, I 2015. The physiological consequences of crib-biting horses in response to an ACTH challenge test. Physiology & Behaviour 151, 121-128.
27. Pitcher, BJ*, Briefer, EF, McElligott, AG* 2015. Intrasexual selection drives sensitivity to pitch, formants and duration in the competitive calls of fallow bucks. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15, 149.
26. Briefer, EF*, Maigrot, A-L, Mandel, R, Briefer Freymond, S, Bachmann, I, Hillmann, E 2015. Segregation of information about emotional arousal and valence in horse whinnies. Scientific Reports 4, 9989.
25. Padilla de la Torre, M*, Briefer, EF, Reader, T, McElligott, AG* 2015. Acoustic analysis of cattle (Bos taurus) mother-offspring contact calls from a source-filter theory perspective. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 99,
24. Briefer, EF*, Tettamanti, F., McElligott, AG* 2015. Emotions in goats: mapping physiological, behavioural and vocal profiles. Animal Behaviour 99, 131-143.
23. Briefer-Freymond, S*, Briefer, EF, Zollinger, A., Gindrat-von Allmen, Y., Wyss, C., Bachmann,
I 2014. Behaviour of horses in a judgment bias test associated with positive or negative
reinforcement. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 158, 34-45.
22. Favaro L*, Briefer EF, McELligott AG* 2014. Artificial Neural Network approach for revealing
individuality, group membership and age information in goat kid contact calls. Acta Acustica
21. Briefer, EF*, Haque, S., Baciadonna, L, McElligott*, AG, 2014. Goats excel at learning
and remembering a highly novel cognitive task. Frontiers in Zoology 11, 20.
20. Pitcher*, BJ, Briefer, EF, Vannoni, E, McElligott*, AG. 2014. Fallow deer attend
to vocal cues of motivation and fatigue. Behavioral Ecology 25, 392-401.
19. Stachowicz, JB, Vannoni, E, Pitcher, BJ, Briefer, EF, Geffen, E, McElligott, AG*. 2014.
Acoustic divergence in the rut vocalisations of Persian and European fallow deer. Journal
18. Briefer, EF*, Rybak, F, Aubin, T. 2013. Does true syntax or simple auditory object support
the role of skylark song dialect? Animal Behaviour 86, 1131-1137.
17. Baciadonna, L, McElligott*, AG, Briefer, EF*. 2013. Goats favour personal over social
information in an experimental foraging task. PeerJ 1:e172.
16. Briefer, EF*, McElligott, AG* 2013. Rescued goats at a sanctuary display positive mood after former neglect. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 146, 45-55.
15. Briefer, EF*, Farrell, ME, Hayden, T, McElligott, AG* 2013. Fallow deer polyandry is related to fertilization insurance. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 4, 657-665.
12. Briefer, EF* 2012. Vocal expression of emotions in mammals: mechanisms of production and evidence. Journal of Zoology 188, 1-20.
Ph.D. Thesis
Book Review
Book chapter
Briefer, EF 2016. À quoi pensent les chèvres ? In K. Lou-Matignon (Ed.), Animal Revolutions. Paris : Les Liens qui Libèrent.
Briefer EF 2014. Sound production mechanisms in animals. Journal of Zoology Virtual Issue