Dr Elodie F Briefer
Associate professor, Behavioual Ecology Group, Section for Ecology and Evolution,
Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen.
Senior scientist (Oberassistant), Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ETH Zürich.
Jun 17-May 19.
Postdoctoral researcher/fellow (postdoctoral researcher (Feb 13-Oct 13), Swiss National
Science Foundation “Ambizione” fellow (Nov 13-Feb 17), postdoctoral researcher
(March 17-May 17)), Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ETH Zürich.
Postdoctoral research fellow (Swiss National Science Foundation fellowship for Prospective (Jan 09-Aug 10) and Advanced (Sept 10-Dec 12) Researchers), School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London.
2008. PhD, Behavioural Biology. University of Paris North.
2005. MSc. Behavioural Biology. University of Paris North.
2003. BSc. Biology. University of Paris South.
Editorial Board: Scientific Reports (Editorial Board Member, 2016-2019), Animal Behaviour (Consulting Editor, 2014-2019: Editor, since 2019), Journal of Zoology (Editorial Board Member, 2010-2019), Frontiers in Veterinary Science (Associate Editor for Animal Behavior and Welfare, since 2016).
Journal Reviewer: Science, Current Biology, American Naturalist, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, BMC Biology, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Royal Society Open Science, PLoS ONE, Hormones and Behavior, Journal of Experimental Biology, Frontiers in Zoology, Animal Behaviour, Physiology & Behavior, Animal Cognition, PeerJ, Developmental Psychobiology, Mammalian Biology, Journal of Zoology, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Naturwissenschaften, Behavioral Ecology, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Animal Welfare, Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, American Journal of Primatology, Animals, Animal, Acta Ornithologica, Acta Ethologica, Auk, Behaviour, Bioacoustics, Current Zoology, Entropy, Ethology, Ethology Ecology & Evolution, Journal of Ornithology.
Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing, Animal Behaviour 2013; Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, Animal Behaviour 2014.
Grant Reviewer: Leverhulme Trust, BBSRC, Marsden Fund, National Science Center Poland, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
Grant panel: EU Era-Net CORE ORGANIC Cofund; Organic RDD 4 (ICROFS).
Conference Reviewer: ISBE 2016, VIHAR 2017, VIHAR 2019
PhD External Examiner: PhD external examiner for 5 PhD theses (University of Zürich, University of La Laguna, Université Jean Monnet, University of Adelaide and The University of Queensland).