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TV interviews

Interview on BBC Earth News TV

Interview on SRF Netz Natur


Vocal correlates of emotion

Journal of Zoology Podcast


Goats cognition 

"Countryfile", BBC1 (11/03/2012)

"Farm animals are more intelligent than they seem", BioMed Central blog 

"Goats, the boffins of the farmyard", BioMed Central Blog

"No butts, goats are clever . . . especially at finding pasta", The Times

"Scientists: Goats much smarter than first thought", ITV

"Tierisch intelligent: Ziegen erinnern sich an komplizierte Tricks", Spiegel Online

"Von wegen «dumme Ziege»", Tages Anzeiger

"Goats are more intelligent than previously thought", Newsround

"La chèvre, une finaude qui cache son jeu", Le Monde

"Silly billies? Actually, goats are smarter than you think", Mail Online

"Goats are way smarter than you thought, study finds", Fox News

"Le capre non sono "capre": uno studio ne dimostra l'intelligenza", La Repubblica


Goat cognitive bias

"Happy goats: How animal rehab works", BBC News, Science and Environment

"Rescue Me: New Study Finds Animals Do Recover from Neglect", Science Daily

"Goats can recover from neglect", News Discovery

"Optimistic and pessimistic goats", Sentience Mosaic


Goat kid accents 

"100 things we didn't know last year" (n° 4), BBC News

"Baby goat accent", Science Update 

"Goat kids can develop 'accents'", BBC Nature

"Young goats can develop distinct accents", New Scientist

"Upbleat Finding: Kids Start to Sound Alike over Time", Scientific American

"Baaad Call: Young Goats Pick Up Accents", Live Science

"Young goats learn accents from one another"

"You've got to be kidding me! Remarkable research shows goats have accents which they pick 

up from their peers", Daily Mail

"You say 'nay,' I say 'neigh': Goats Have Accents", NPR

"Goats can form accents, study finds", NY Daily News

"Goats 'can develop their own accents'" The Telegraph

"Do Goats Have Accents?", Time

"L'accent des chèvres", Pour la Science, France

"Anche le capre hanno un loro accento", Corriere della Sera, Italie

"Cabras podem desenvolver sotaques, revela pesquisa", National Geographic, Brasil

"Vous avez dit "Beeeee"?", Horizons 93, SNF, Switzerland

"As kids get older they begin to sound the same" , The Western Producer


Goat mother-kid recognition

 "In a chorus of bleats, one that sounds familiar ", The New York Times

"The bleat goes on", Natural History 120, 8

"Kids’ voices remain etched in mother goats’ memories", redOrbit

"Baa, Baa Mama! Goats remember their babies' cries", Live Science

"Une chèvre reconnaît toujours ses petits", Sciences et Avenir 786

"Are you my mother?", Science Line 

"Goats recognise their kids' voices", BBC Earth News

"Mother and kid goat vocals strike a chord", PhysOrg


Goat social learning

PeerJ blog


Goat emotions

"Animal welfare could be improved by new understanding of their emotions", PhysOrg

"Emotions, memory and social networks – of Goats", Human Animal Science

See more links here


Cattle vocalizations

"Cow researchers find meanings behind moos", BBC News

"Do you speak cow? Researchers listen in on 'conversations' between calves and their mothers", Science Daily

"Cows use individual calls to calves", SkyNews

"Do you speak COW? Scientists eavesdrop on 'conversations' between cattle to translate the meaning of their moos", DailyMail

See more links here


Stallion group housing

"Potential for breeding stallions to be kept together", Horsetalk

"Le Haras national d'Avenches prouve que les étalons peuvent être gardés en groupe", ArcInfo

"Détenir les étalons en groupe ? oui, mais…"


Horse whinnies

"Researchers Link Behaviors with Type, Intensity of Emotions", The Horse 

"How horses express emotion", ETH Zürich

"Secrets of the horse whinny revealed by Swiss researchers", Horsetalk

"Horses Use Their 'Voices' To Convey Their Emotions Just Like Humans Do", The Huffington Post

"Pourquoi les chevaux ont une double voix", Sciences et Avenir

"How to speak HORSE: Researchers find equines express emotion through their whinnies - and reveal the frequencies used", Dailymail

"Gross getönt", Cavallo

"Why the long face? Horses can sense negative and positive emotions", BioMed Central podcast

"Die vielfältige Tonwelt der Pferde", Tierwelt

"Horses perceive emotions in familiar whinnies", USYS, ETH Zürich



"Countryfile, Autumn Special", BBC1 (31/10/2010)

"2010 highlights of the year, Countryfile special", BBC1 (26/12/2010)

"Female deer confirm bigger is not always better when choosing a mate", Science Daily

"Honest deer every year", Science Daily



"Curtain twitching' skylarks keep track of strangers through their songs", Science Daily

“Song Syllable Order Matters to Skylarks”, In focus, Animal Behaviour 86 (2013) 1113e1115



"Rabbiting on: Study and debate on talking to bunnies", BBC News

"Call to review pet rabbit protection in UK", BBC News

Press coverage

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